1000 households in Cyclone Idai areas receive food assistance
1000 vulnerable households from the Cyclone Idai affected areas received food aid under the CISU/DERF Humanitarian intervention to Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe Chimanimani Emergency program. Speaking at the hand over event at Chiyamiti community centre, DAPP Zimbabwe Country Director Mathias Paradzai said the assistance is part of wider relief efforts that will see the rehabilitation and reconstruction of water and sanitation facilities. “Together with our technical partner UFF Denmark, DAPP Zimbabwe will be working in Ward 6 and part of Ward 9 to construct 150 latrines and rehabilitate 20 boreholes. He added that the assistance took into account the dietary needs of babies and sanitary wear for women who sometimes are forgotten in times of crisis.
Beneficiaries especially mothers expressed their gratitude for the timely gesture. “We were starving in this area, it was hard to watch our children go without food and not knowing what to do”
Tendai Mukuti who lives with a disability also thanked DAPP for the assistance saying ” The situation for people with disabilities was made worse by this disaster. I want to thank DAPP for giving me hope and somewhere to start from”
Women who received sanitary wear said their needs are sometimes forgotten in emergency situations and yet they are part of their monthly needs. “ Sanitary wear is a challenge and most women were resorting to using old rags to get through their menstrual cycles. We are grateful to DAPP for including pads as part of their assistance to us.
A total of 150 households will receive building material to construct pit latrines to promote health and hygiene while 20 community boreholes will be rehabilitated through the financial support of the Civil Society in Development (CISU) / Danish Emergency Relief Fund (DERF)